In order to minimize inconsistent results with processes (such as Photometric Color Calibration), it is strongly recommended to download a copy of the star catalogs PixInsight uses in various processes. This will remove the dependence of the internet and in the case of this training course- it will make certain we are all working with exactly the same files.
Photometric Color Calibration is used to obtain the correct white balance for the image. In this training episode, set up the parameters yourself and see if you obtain the same results in the subsequent discussion section.
The discussion about the results of WBPP highlight an understanding of the intermediate files and folder structure. This can prove very useful and avoid a number of common mishaps. Note.... I updated the previous section to the latest version of WBPP. You will see the old version of WBPP briefly here, but it does not effect the explanation.
WBPP is loaded with the proper settings and executed to do the preprocessing of the creation of master calibration frames, calibration of data, hot pixel rejection, and debayering. This is the "Calibrate Only" method.
The discussion section of "Open MANY Images" uses the Blink process to further examine the data. The viewer can compare how many notable items they saw in the data as part of the training exercise.