NGC 6250 (Courtesy of Jose Joaquin Perez)
Published 09/24/2019
Inclusion of Ha data shown. This video is before the new tools such as StarXTerminator existed.
These videos take you through the workflow of processing NGC 6250- a southern hemisphere target. The data is courtesy of Jose Joaquin Perez. !
Introduction, BPP, Blink | 22 minutes | |
Cosmetic Correction, Star Alignment | 23 minutes | |
Image Integration | 14 minutes | |
MURE Denoise | 20 minutes | |
LRGB Registration | 30 minutes | DOWNLOAD THE DATA for NGC 6250 |
LRGB Registration Again (Correctly) | 10 minutes | |
RGB from PCC | 13 minutes | |
DBE | 13 minutes | |
Deconvolution | 25 minutes | |
Enhance Bright Stars | 19 minutes | |
Blend H-alpha (Rblend and LBlend) | 27 minutes | |
Blend Starless Version | 28 minutes | |
Adam's Star De-Emphasis | 49 minutes | |
Noise Reduction, LHE: Final Result | 27 minutes |
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